
Bold & Beautiful’s Steffy and Finn Dealt With Luna — But Get Ready, Because There’s Big Hope-Related Trouble Ahead!

Bold & Beautiful’s Steffy and Finn Dealt With Luna — But Get Ready, Because There’s Big Hope-Related Trouble Ahead!

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (2); CBS Screenshot

If this week’s episodes of Bold & Beautiful had a collective title, it would probably be “The Downfall of Luna Nozawa.” Things moved quickly — perhaps even too much so — and went pretty much where we expected things to go, aside from that jaw-dropping and nonsensical reveal on Monday. Lots to talk about, so let’s dive right in… 

Here He Comes to Save the Day!

There are a lot of people out there (and maybe a few in here) who have mocked Finn in the past, suggesting he might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. But boy, did he prove the naysayers wrong this week when he managed to connect dots that were essentially non-existent.

Finn gets a call from woman BB

More: Poppy is in for a shock! 

Meanwhile, I get that Finn was excited to have found Steffy and wanted to get her out of that cage, but shouldn’t he maybe have said, “I’ll be right back, babe. Let me go deal with Luna” rather than leaving his mom to deal with a clearly nutso serial killer?

Why Tune in Tomorrow?

Sometimes, I feel as if the writers of this show need to attend a class in remedial soap storytelling. Here’s why: On Monday, they revealed that Luna had slept with Zende willingly. This huge moment set the internet on fire. When you have a moment like that, you can safely assume that people are going to hear all this chatter and — despite being lapsed viewers or maybe even having never seen the show before — tune in the next day.

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That’s a good thing, right? But here’s the problem with what happened the rest of the week: It focused entirely on Luna’s downfall without playing a secondary story. Which means that once Luna was captured, the audience was free to say, “That was fun. Guess I don’t have to watch tomorrow.” If, however, they’d set a second story in motion — instead of simply cutting away to Ridge and Taylor talking about the Luna/Steffy story — people would have a reason to continue watching. Come for the crazy, stay for the drama.

Thomas Hope B&B

More: What the heck is going on with Brooke and Ridge?

For example, how easy would it have been to bring Thomas back to town out of concern for his missing sibling? Hope could have offered him comfort, only to have Thomas freak out — perhaps revealing where his heart truly lies — upon finding out from Taylor about Hope having kissed Finn.

See how easy that was?

The Big Question: What’s Next?

Did the Luna story make sense? Hell no. The plot had more holes than a golf course. But it was a whole lotta fun, and as I’ve said before, sometimes all I want from a soap is that it entertain me. But now that it’s over, we’re left to wonder what’s next for the show in general and Steffy/Finn in particular.

One thing I do not want to see: Steffy apologizing to Sheila for having accused her of killing Tom and Hollis. According to the latest spoilers, next week will find everyone trying to figure out how recent events will impact them. Are Poppy and Bill going to move forward as a couple, and how will the fact that Katie’s renewed feelings toward her ex play into things?

B&B Hope Finn Steffy montage screenshot

As for Steffy and Finn, expect them to continue dealing with Hope, especially after what goes down at the end of next week. (All I’m gonna say is it sounds as if Hope is about to receive some very bad news. For more check out the latest spoilers here.)

Random Thoughts

• Finn could have found his MIA wife a whole lot sooner had he been a tad more concerned about his aunt’s situation. After all, she begged him to go to the abandoned apartment and look for evidence which might clear her name.

Li Luna B&B

• I was all about the Luna/Li showdown, but it went into total cartoon land when, after tackling her niece, Li shouted, “Nozawa power!” As far as we knew, that was a Poppy/Luna thing, so Li saying it out of nowhere was kinda silly.

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